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permutation and combination notes



In permutation, the order of th objects or outcomes is important. Each different order represents a different outcome. 

in permutation the arrangement is important 

for example

How many ways can the letter  X and Y be arranged?

There are two ways two different   permutation

In Combinations, we do not arrange the selections in order.

Arrangement is not important

xy or yx are same combination



Number of ways to arrange n different
objects n !

To arrange 10 different objects = 10!

 To arrange digits  2, 5, 6, 8 = 4 !

To arrange 12 finalists =   12 !

Number of ways to arrange r objects from n objects

permutation example

n(n-1) (n-2) (n-3) (n-(r-1))

permutation formula


combination formula

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