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types of utility functions and homothetic prrefrences

These notes will give you an introduction to different types of utility fuctions . These notes will be helpful to any student doing graduation with economics major.


Cobb-Douglas Utility

utility = U(x,y) = xayb

where a and b are positive constants

–The relative sizes of a and b indicate the relative importance of the goods

Perfect Substitutes

utility = U(x,y) = ax + by

The indifference curves will be linear. The MRS will be constant along the indifference curve.

types of utility functions and homothetic prrefrences

Perfect Complements

utility = U(x,y) = min (ax, by)

The indifference curves will be L-shaped. Only by choosing more of the two goods together can utility be increased.

types of utility functions and homothetic prrefrences

CES Utility (Constant elasticity of substitution)

utility = U(x,y) = xg/g + yg/g

when g is not = 0

utility = U(x,y) = ln x + ln y
when g = 0
–Perfect substitutes g = 1
–Cobb-Douglas g = 0
–Perfect complements g = - infinity

Homothetic Preferences

If the MRS depends only on the ratio of the amounts of the two goods, not on the quantities of the goods, the utility function is homothetic.

Perfect substitutes  MRS is the same at every point

Perfect complements

MRS = infinity if y/x > a/b

undefined if y/x = a/b,

MRS = 0 if y/x < a/b

For the general Cobb-Douglas function, the MRS can be found as

For the general Cobb-Douglas function, the MRS can be found as

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